Monday, October 30, 2006

The Not So New Idea

So what's the idea I am currently working on? It's a mobile dating service focused on connecting Africans locally and abroad. Nothing unique in the service in fact there are currently sms based services in Kenya and South Africa. However, there is an opportunity to take it to the next level.

I also believe there is a need being addressed here. I have a close African family friend in the US who is well educated and can't find a US mate. She is willing to date one of the many well educated African brothers back home. There just hasn't been an easy to use service that provides the filtering and recommendation features required. She is only looking to connect with someone with a similar social background who comes recommended. She is basically looking for a husband and would be willing to pay to connect to one. Anecdotal evidence in India suggests that people are willing to pay more to find love than for any other mobile service. There are questions however, about the size of the opportunity. Even if we amass an extensive user base in Africa, the spending power doesn't compare to that of US consumers.

I have a meeting later on this week with someone who has shown an interest in the idea. The only issue maybe that we have similar business backgrounds. We need that tech guru. So I am also looking for someone in the US/India with mobile application development experience to join the team as the subject matter expert. Since the idea is not unique, execution is everything. I am willing to make the commitment and take on the responsibility as well as risk. I believe very much in open collaboration so welcome tips on how to make this a reality.


African Entrepreneur said...

Oh no....

I just came across your blog. We are using almost the same blog name since mine is:

The content is quite different (different perspective) but I guess it could cause some confusion. Not sure if anything can really be done but we should be aware.

Anyway, always nice to meet other African entrepreneurs, even if it is virtual. Best wishes for 2007!

Salt Merchant said...

Thanks for the best wishes in the New Year. Equally nice to meet you. I visited your blog. Your experience as an entrepreneur in Africa makes for very interesting reading. I will add you to my blog roll.

Good luck and keep up the great work.